'Sony can not end Playstation 3 pirates'

Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Walfisz - who had previously been an important player in developing Ubi's new DRM technologies - suggested that since playing pirated games doesn't call for a modchip, Sony probably will not be qualified to detect hacked consoles. 

"If that hack works as reported, I don't believe Sony can regain any control," said Walfisz.

"And considering that it seems that users won't even require a hardware mod-chip to play pirated games, I can't feel that Sony might detect which users to lock rid of PSN."

Although he recognised how the platform holder could employ tactics akin to those utilised by Microsoft, these would likely be ineffective since users could you will need their console offline.

"They could make an effort to hire a similar system to Xbox Live, so that people running hacked systems won't have access to PSN. But Sony won't be qualified to stop people from running pirated game copies provided that the machines will not be hooked up online."

Walfisz's bold statements stem with the undeniable fact that the PS3's core architecture may be completely showed to exploit loopholes from the hardware itself, thereby limiting the ways Sony would use to deal with the down sides.

"They way the PS3(cheapest ps3 games) have been hacked, it is currently completely open. The hackers can establish pirated copies that completely mimic the official Sony digital signature, so that it is extremely user-friendly and uncomplicated pirated copies of games, with the necessity for the hardware chip modifications," explained Walfisz.

He proceeded to convey that he or she feels the PS3 could suffer piracy issues on a level much in excess of the PSP, which can be notorious as extremely mod-friendly. 

"I would assume that pirated copies might be stored about the HDD likewise, turning it into really easy to implement that PS3(cheapest wii games) piracy, given time, might surpass the handhelds." 

The Ubi man suggested the only solution to this now's to revise the PS3 hardware itself, which could certainly be a costly process.

"I don't think they can do much. Every console is hacked this completely, the hardware manufacturer can't do anything. They can maybe update their hardware achievable console sales, which might be a long and expensive process, but that will not stop users from running pirated copies around the current hardware. 

"And updating the hardware needs to be carried out wherein doesn't prevent users from running already-released games. I doubt which can be done." 

Quite a few PS3(buy ps3 games) hackers are facing legal action from Sony. 

Par babala6547 le vendredi 14 janvier 2011


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