The Has Large DLC Blueprints For DC Galaxy On the web

Earlier , DC Universe Online launched for the PS3(buy free ps3 games) and PC. ps3 copy games could possibly be wary about paying a monthly subscription but Sony Online Entertainment John Smedley says are going to getting loads of new content for his or her money. 

"After release you can expect patches from us with new content and many types of styles of fun stuff from month to month. We'll often be doing patches on a weekly basis if we spot any issues," Smedley told Eurogamer. "But the plans are in terms of a month out you can start expecting major waste content and major the latest features to return in." 

Smedley added the particular updates will not likely cost gamers extra. "In the near future we might have expansion packs, howevere , if you're referring to a normal monthly patches then no, we won't be charging for anyone." 

DCUO is priced at $59.99 to the PS3 and $49.99 for any PC. A free of charge month's subscription is included with both versions. The camp subscription fee is $14.99/month. 
Par babala6547 le samedi 15 janvier 2011


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