Device delivering Steam-supported Portal Couple of to be able to Playstation 3 around The spring

According to an announcement that shut off to GameSpot among others this morning, the Ps3 version of Valve Software's forthcoming Portal 2 will ship this April with support for the assortment of features that tie the experience along with Valve's Steam PC gaming software.

Among the list of announced features, Valve says the Ps3 version in the game will ship with cross-platform chat and multiplayer among cheapest ps3 games , PC, and Mac Portal 2 players, and also support for Valve's Steamworks cloud-based storage system that lets gamers store saved game files, settings, as well as other data remotely to utilize between client systems. The PlayStation 3 version of Portal 2 will ship which has a key gamers may use to download the PC version from the game without cost.

Valve's Portal 2 will bridge the gap between PC and Ps3 owners when it launches next April.

(Credit: Valve Software)

While Portal 2 will be released for both the PlayStation 3 as well as the System, the PlayStation 3 version will come with Steam support. You may still should buy the physical game(cheap ps3 games) disc in order to run Portal 2 on either console, therefore the PC version remains unique in this it is also designed for direct download. That may change eventually, as both Sony and Microsoft offer older games for direct download recommended to their respective consoles. How that might happen with Portal 2 remains to appear, so we have zero indication of a forthcoming Ps3 Steam client.

Coming from a strategic standpoint, this cooperation between Valve and Sony offers the prospects for some longer-term intrigue while in the console market. Considering that Valve is designed with a near-exhaustive library of games for direct download through its Steam PC service, including plenty of games that also show up on the PlayStation 3, it's not unreasonable to imagine that Valve could work Steam support into some of the titles also. A broader Sony/Valve partnership would run directly counter to Microsoft's splotchy efforts to bridge platforms between its Xbox 360 system and its particular Games for Windows Live PC service, that's earned little enthusiasm from gamers because of uneven execution and limited game(buy ps3 games) selection.

We have a sense gamers would, however, embrace a Sony and Valve partnership that enabled the theifs to obtain a game once after which it use on, and move saved games between, a Ps3 as well as a PC at their whim. That scenario won't merely have broader buy-in from Sony and Valve, but also almost every other game publishers, whose titles tend to be susceptible to tricky licensing agreements regarding console exclusivity.

We could see other potentially game-changing scenarios inside a broad Valve/Sony partnership. A completely cross-compatible Steam/PlayStation 3(buy free ps3 games) digital download library would surely accelerate the death of physical game media. Slap a rendering farm plus a compression algorithm or two around the back-end causing all of unexpected you will have a cloud gaming behemoth that would surely obtain the attention of OnLive, the cloud gaming service that debuted not too long ago.

Would you like to see Sony and Valve interact? How should Microsoft respond? Contact us. 

Par babala6547 le mercredi 19 janvier 2011


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