Deep Silver released their teaser trailer with in-game footage; Part 1: Tragedy hits Paradise, for Dead Island plus its adequate of your taste to give you into zombie rage. Thankfully we have now merely to hold back until E3 this June for any full trailer when we it's still far from sated, but grateful for a larger portion. The teaser trailer continues using the same themes and emotional qualities with the announcement trailer, promising a far more story driven zombie game than there are before."
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The zombie genre being the prettiest girl in the prom of late, also can are afflicted by using an over busy dance card. In the current console generation alone you can find at least a half dozen AAA zombie-esque titles (Left 4 Dead series, Dead Rising series, Resident Evil 5, Call of Duty themed zombie maps) let alone several downloadable games on
xbox 360 keyboardas well as Playstation Network. Does the Dead Island bring whatever else to your table?
Dead Island is equipped with and possibility to take advantage of the recent success of the AMC series The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead on AMC took it's origin from a well established selection of graphic novels that, such as show, is targeted on the survivor's emotional anxieties of adjusting to the horrific changes of zombie filled world. With hope, Dead Island can stir in a few drama on the zombie shooter genre, while not detracting through the causef we play them to begin with; to kill zombies, brutally and effectively."
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